Thursday, 28 June 2007


No Post yesterday as the intertubes were down - managed to get a fair chunk done though which works out well since, today was a little short due to graduation for some of the team. Pictures of us in funny hats and other general merriment to follow !

"Honkies gone wild"

SO the biggest thing about today and yesterday was the peak and trough-ification of our otherwise very linear tutorial stage into 4 staggered mini missions. Just finished putting the finishing touches and will need to be re written into actual text and dialog we can use in the final game but the feel and mission structure have been confirmed. One of the best things about Dare is learning the importance of methods that you are either unaware of or have had little exposure too. For instance in these mission structure I would have used to just pick arbitrary locations and people and shoe horn them into the game, but now realize its really important to consider the characters, their place in the world and most importantly how this immerses the player to avoid making glaring and out of place contradictions that will drag the player out of your world.

I mean one thing that always irked me about fixed camera angle survival horror games, is that a tooled up special forced agent / magical samurai can go toe to toe with the zombies and daemons but are frequently foiled by flimsy locked wooden doors or stacks of crates :(

From a game point of view this is a bit of a careful balancing act but was a really good exercise. Production wise things are progressing steadily, Dave is cracking on with the island and Ross has got a really nice rig up for the main player character. Rowen has managed to overcome the hurdles he was having yesterday and rich is making good headway with the sequencer.

Also having received our first comment on youtube we are official now E-famous. Even if it was just one of the other teams from Scotland trying to intimidate us with tales of uber productivity. Little do they know the awesome power of alpha build 2, official proven (by scientists) to make baby lambs cry.

Last I saw was Ross signing up for a youtube account to launch some kind of E-rebuttal, i think he took it kinda hard and saw it as a shot across the bows - actually Id better check since if hes got his own account he cant be censored - gtg!


Team Lucid Dream

(Oh and also we got some rules through for the Bafta awards, which kinda adds a a sort of scary realism to the whole winning an award thing)

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