Friday, 20 July 2007


Pretty shattered today, what was supposed to be an hour round trip to sort out budget issues at Farnham turned into a rain soaked odyssey owing to crazy amounts of traffic. Seriously though I cant remember a summer as wet as this. Still at least were not venturing outside much ^_^

So today I set to work making textures, got a few knocked up ready for Monday and made a couple of awesome signs for locations around our world - bright colours and really obvious signs are the order of the day:

Today is gonna be a bit light on the ground blog wise - I think Dave and Ross have blogged, but work continues. Got a few more building textures out the way, started animating character and getting him into the composition. Rich also fixed an issue with the player characters movement which involved lots of maths so now he turns at a constant rate regardless of distance from the target and got arrow trails / lights in which are looking really cool. Dave also mocked up our HUD for Monday.

Gunna be coming in over the weekend now EA have extended the times were allowed in. Had a chat with Mark and Adrian today who tried to address any fears we may have about Monday. I don't think its fear of EA staff more a case that we want to make sure we represent ourselves and our game well. I have no doubt it will all come together ready for the showing, just ... need .. to keep ... making ... textures ^_^

Dare is something we have been thinking a lot about and talking over as a group the last couple of weeks. While it hasn't been particularly smooth at points and we've had various troubles along the way were all loving Dare. In particular its been an amazing learning experience, especially being surrounded by and mentored by people who have been in the industry such a long time and worked on titles that we have played growing up - Alex from NC Soft took one look at our game and said "I bet you guys like Bullfrog games" which is pretty much all we talk about since meeting the guys here ^_^. Sometimes when i'm getting a cup of tea or working away I remember that im at EA games working on our own title and just think "Wow"

I know i've definitely learnt more in 8 or so weeks of Dare than a year and a half of combined academia and work relating to games. Even just being in a group of 20 or so like minded people has made the time we've spent at Dare really memorable


Lucid Dream Team

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