Our rabid fanbase (Lily) highlighted the fact there hasn't been a blog recently so I thought i'd do a quick update. In all honesty its been completely forgotten in the relentless onslaught of the last few days.
Loads of stuff has happened, punctuated only briefly by a trip to see Transformers last night. Lots of very complicated fixing and importing has taken its toll on Rowen, who has bounced between singing the chipmunk theme tune and the mighty "Holy Diver" which has become our urzatz theme tune.
We pretty much are in the thick of it at the moment texturing and importing and ... loadsa stuff to basically get our game looking as epic as possible. Its kind of like a games development frontline but despite everything thats happened were still holding it together. On the topic of epic our main character now has completely gratuitous but 110 % epic glow effects on his wing that leave an awesome trail. The virtools / maya import export issue has been causing beef all week but it finally got sorted today and the island is approaching completion slowly but surely. Were still on for our self inflicted friday deadline, and were all looking forward to actually just all playing the hell out of it and polishing / balancing it to death.
Dave's team mates were down today who had some awesome feedback, some of which we'd love to implement if we have time. Its sorta reminiscent of a few weeks back where we were plugging away, and when it all starts coming together morale rockets back up.
So were all pretty haggard, but the end is in sight so its guts and might until the end - despite the fact that Desire FX has changed and morphed and all manner of craziness has happened we still feel proud of what we've got and think were still in the running.
Okies - back to it! theres loads things that need doing and would probably make a really long and boring list. Even reading the design doc wouldn't really sum up the epicness of Dare - were thinking of doing a post Dare party and synopsis - maybe in video diary format - but until the next sporadic update i leave you with ...
(ps Extended transformers rant to follow)
Yay I got mentioned! Aidan, so fickle... I want to see transformers... yes... no... yes... ah x
Can I has a Kokoro Scan ringtone pls?
Wooo! Sounds like you guys have been getting down to it, good luck with your remaining time bro and team!
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