Wednesday, 20 June 2007


No Blog yesterday as the intertubes were down. General progress continued as well as more design talk. Also started a few design focused doc's as well as building a few (awesome) sound effects and most importantly spoke with Dave and Thomas regarding production and planning.

Ended up missioning into Guildford for Sebs birthday and experiencing the mighty Fahrenheit Cloob. Was really cool to spend some time with other teams and just mission about.

So today we had Ste Curran in, was really cool to get to chat to him since i've followed his blog / show on and off. Hes a pretty funny guy (im almost certain he was "redeye" when he wrote for Edge) and has loads of cool anecdotes - he also seemed to like the concept which was cool :) He gave us a speech on making games more accessible and used his mum as the main focus of the talk. He did make some good points and gave me loads to think about such as the whole Mainstream vs Hardcore debate as well as plug a few other things he was doing.



So today really has been design meetings all day. After Ste's talk we had a 2 1/2 meeting and were not finished yet so just about to head back in. Camera guy was back as - weve designated Ross team speaker as where the rest of us tend to seize up in front of the camera he just keeps talking and generally venting his spleen. Todays topics! Scotland, and our exciting new title "Praliens!". Genuine hilarity - unfortunately we have no control over the editing process (Northern Ireland i'm looking at you) so is almost certain to get cut. Look forward to our Special FX laden diary epic next week.

Edit. So for some reason I initially put the FF7 victory tune :S


Anonymous said...

One of the members of the northern ireland team here! Our video was excessively cheesey, the southern teams video was just excellent. Although we're looking forward to seeing loads more from our counterparts across the waters as we're only able to have a mesely 3 videos made. Sadfaces all round.

Anonymous said...

Hey lucid dream been reading you blog now and again!

The North and South ireland teams only get 3 blog entrys for videos over the nine weeks, and the guy michael, who was taping us. Was pretty keen that we do away with the seriousness of it all :). I suppose it evens out tho, since we get more time on each blog entry than you guys since theres only two teams.

Whoever is doing the hand drawn art is brilliant. Hats off to him.