Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Safari Joe does it again ...

Despite a groggy start today has been really productive. It turns out we've been locked out of our designated gaming room again so looks like this evening will require some Snake covert sneaking. So whats been happening today ?

Had a few design thoughts following on from the chat we normally have with the EA guys about making stuff as simple for the end user as possible. While we can see the merit in that we don't want it to basically turn our game into stat watching so were building up a framework where we can try these things and cut them out / leave them in if needs be. The guys don't seem overly enamored with the game name either so were gunna look into alternatives - its pretty tough :)

Deliverables wise - made loads headway - Dave and I sat down and hammered out an ABC entity list as well as UV mapping some housing and carrying on with textures / scenery. Ross has also been working on modeling and skinning the player characters wings, got most of the main key frames sorted now so should have him in texture-less sometime soon.

Code wise Rich added some really nice touches such as a glow around NPC's that have been hit with the info arrow and an auto aim. Rowen has also got coupling working in our latest build, implemented a needs counter and got highlight paths done ! Pretty awesome stuff since it means were creeping closer to A.

Ive also been tearing apart Rich and Rowens baby and finding / replicating bugs all over the shop - on todays hit list air walking and fps movement in Bowcam.

More UT2004 carnage to follow - some punk slighted Tribes so its gunna get messy ^_^

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey lads, cheers for the comment. The game is looking great btw, hope progress continues well. :) We had the same camera guy over with us last week but there's another, Michael, who filmed the first podcast and is going to film from now on I think, sound guy..

Paddy, zerO.One, Ireland